Bench: Phase 5, Week 3

Bench: worked up to 82.5 x 15

Dumbbell bench: 21 x 10 (x 3)

Dumbbell row: 11 x 10, 21 x 15 (x 3)

Dumbbell curl: 16 x 10

Hammer curl: 16 x 10

Trained at home. Happy with the bench reps: 15 with just over my bodyweight.

Thus far in my 5/3/1 career I’ve been adding 1 kg to upper and 2 kg to lower body exercises. For the next phases I’m going to add a little more weight. Wendler recommends 5 lbs (2.27 kg) for upper and 10 lbs (4.54 kg) for lower body exercises. I’m going to round this down to 2 and 4 and see how it goes.

Rusting plate with abandoned cobweb? Check.

Rusting mismatched plates on rusting adjustable dumbbells? Check. Plastic dumbbells creeping into the shot making it less cool? Check.

Black and white training montage? Check. Look out for next level filmmaking prowess during the dumbbell bench press.

Squat: Phase 5, Week 2

5/3/1 squat: worked up to 90 x 6

Repetition squat: 100 x 2, 100 x 2, 100 x 2

Sit ups: 26 total

Side bends: 56 total

Unable to get to the gym today, so trained at home. Was out a lot of the day and couldn’t eat much. As a result left a lot in the tank and had an easy session. Gradually feeling the benefit of the upper back work I’ve done, in terms of cushioning the bar.

Filmed it. Then made it black and white.

Squat: Phase 5, Week 1

Squat: worked up to 85 x 10

Further squats: 100 x 1, 110 x 1, 120 x 1, 60 x 10

Sit ups: 25 total

Side bends: 54 total

Decided to do a few singles after my 5/3/1 squats. They felt fine, I’ve not handled a high percentage in any exercise for months. Interestingly they revealed a strength imbalance: my left leg/hip is weaker than my right.